About Us

About Ds Legals

We primarily deal with legal issues of all kinds. We have, nevertheless, carved ourselves a specialty in immigration law as well as civil, criminal, and commercial litigation.

Under Immigration, we will provide services such as assisting Indian-origin individuals in obtaining an Overseas Citizenship Card and other relevant services.

The task would also entail obtaining an Indian visa and other associated services. Foreigners are welcome to apply for FRRO COMPLAINCES and Indian citizenship.

as well as legal opinions on the subject. Compliances shall include obtaining residence permits, visa extensions, exit permits, and dealing with any Income Tax difficulties that a foreign individual may encounter while in India. From obtaining PAN CARDS to obtaining NOCs for Exit Permits.

We will also assist in obtaining apostilled documents from the Ministry of External Affairs.

In litigation, we will provide assistance throughout India in all types of civil matters, such as SUIT FOR RECOVERY, PROPERTY DISPUTES, Probates and Letters of administration, as well as the execution of foreign decrees in India. The firm also works in the field of commercial litigation, where we deal in all types of commercial disputes, including commercial Arbitration.

We handle all immigration-related criminal issues, such as deportation and criminal cases against foreign nationals in India.

Mr. Abhishek Dev and Mr. Anant Sagar Tiwari founded DS Legals. Both are graduates of the Law Faculty at the University of Delhi and have gained experience in various fields of law by working under renowned senior Advocates of the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court, as well as in law firms in and around Delhi NCR. They both have extensive experience working on all types of legal problems ranging from civil to criminal to commercial. They also gained the opportunity to thrive in the field of immigration and related fields.

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